Business Sales Sheet

Not another boring sales sheet: In 6 steps

This article is actually about creating an effective sales sheet. I just wanted to clarify that for any Google bots reading this, in case they take my title the wrong way. They aren’t quite as sophisticated as humans yet, although they are getting scarily close. OK, and on to the humans reading this…Let’s start with …

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Draw more summer business with rack cards

Summer… Sun… Beaches… Sandals… Drinks with little umbrellas in them… I could go on and on. Who doesn’t love summer? It puts adults and children alike in uplifted moods. School is out and family vacations are in. Not everyone gets a break during this peak season though. For those of us still working through the warmth of summer, …

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Use custom folders for a more powerful presentation

A couple years ago, at a company that shall remain nameless, I was sitting through our mandatory annual insurance presentation (dreaming about the sunshine outside). I looked around the room and could see that I wasn’t the only one who had briefly taken a trip out the window. I remember thinking, “this is important information, and  I should be paying attention,” but the information and numbers …

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Newsletters have Power
Writing Tips

Unleash the power of your newsletter

My coworkers and I don’t speak much until about 11 a.m. When we come in each morning, we each sit down at our desks, put our headphones on, and start working, so it noticed something was off yesterday when I walked in to a low buzz around the office. There was a lot of commotion …

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Tyler Junior College Postcard Marketing

Customer Spotlight: Tyler Junior College

For today’s spotlight video, Tim and I drove to Tyler Junior College to see the campus and talk to key staff members who use our printing. We battled thunderstorms, traffic jams, and even a tornado, but we made it there and back relatively unharmed. Although the video below doesn’t include any shots of us getting …

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Memorial Day Sale Poster

Boost your Memorial Day sales with posters

Memorial Day weekend means cookouts with family and friends, the start of summer, and mattress sales advertised on television and posters galore. Although a reference to mattress sales is often used jokingly, it is a real indication of the mindset of consumers everywhere. Memorial Day sales have grown to be expected at mattress stores and …

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Earth Day Tree
Inside Printing for a greener planet

Printing is only one industry that has made strides in protecting the world’s natural resources in recent years. Many companies and individuals are changing their ways to help. To celebrate Earth Day, we thought we’d show you what does every day to help sustain the world we live in. EmilieWriter. Marketer. Enjoying writing about …

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