How to Create a Facebook Advertising Campaign

How to Create an Effective Facebook Advertising Campaign

Planning a Facebook advertising campaign, whether you are an e-commerce business or not, is a no-brainer. The social media giant remains the biggest social networking site in the world, gathering more than 2 billion active monthly users. In fact, Americans spend an average of around 35 minutes on Facebook alone, which adds up to almost …

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5 Effective Postcard Copywriting Tips
Writing Tips

5 Effective Postcard Copywriting Tips

When it comes to copywriting for marketing materials, you can find plenty of tips out there geared toward brochures and catalogs. These marketing materials usually need longer content, hence the abundance of guidelines that you need to take note of. You can also find general copywriting tips that work for just about any marketing material. …

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Booklet marketing is a good strategy for nonprofit organizations

4 Reasons Why Your Nonprofit Needs Booklet Marketing

One of the greatest challenges of a nonprofit organization is attracting potential investors. With so many other nonprofit organizations out there, it can be hard to get sponsorships, especially from the corporate world. Here’s the thing with corporate sponsorship: it’s a mutually beneficial relationship between businesses and nonprofit organizations. Even now, businesses are investing in building …

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4 Ways Your Nonprofit’s Advocacy Can Maximize Its Impact

Nonprofit advocacy may have the direct opposite nature of a for-profit organization, but at their core, they are essentially the same. Both would like to mobilize their readers or listeners to support their message. However, one could argue that this task is much harder for a nonprofit. For a company who sells a product or …

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