Customer Story: Holistic Physical Therapy by Christine Koth
Many of us assume our physical ailments can be tied to one cause. But the situation is a little more complicated than we think, especially for bone and muscle problems. The case is different for a CEO headed to retirement, a working mom, and a 20-something graduate student. Their lifestyles are vastly different from one another. Apart from varying physical activities, other factors such as your diet comes into play.
Holistic physical therapist Christine Koth takes this multi-dimensional approach with her practice. She understands the frustration one gets when a doctor only gives band-aid and cookie-cutter solutions. Her practice aims to avoid the issue from returning, so you don’t have to keep consulting a healthcare specialist on a recurring problem.
Christine took the time to tell us more about her holistic physical therapy. Find out how she provides physical therapy that is personalized and specific to each patient’s problem.
The Beginnings of Holistic Physical Therapy
Christine Koth has 18 years of experience in physical therapy. During this time, she discovered from collaborating with different healthcare practitioners and treating clients with various conditions that each issue is multidimensional. She had to redirect her approach and look at all angles of the problem:
“It became clear that each issue is multi-dimensional and all pieces of the puzzle need to be addressed to fully resolve the pain. Searching for and identify the real “why” for the problem became my mode of operation, giving my clients the results they were looking for.”
Christine’s holistic physical therapy takes the time to look at the client’s different body and mental aspects. She does away with the standard 15-minute sessions at the doctor and identifies the chemical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of the body that factor in the physical problems.
From here, she creates a program for what causes the issue and gives you the means to independently manage or resolve it. Her holistic assessment has provided long-lasting results.
“When someone arrives for an evaluation, it’s my job to look at how their body moves, aligns, and feels to determine what is at the root of their symptoms.”
“When someone arrives for an evaluation, it's my job to look at how their body moves, aligns, and feels to determine what is at the root of their symptoms.” Share on XThe Iliacus Queen
The majority of Christine’s clients have tight hips and twisted cores. She noticed that the issues are common among individuals of different lifestyles—from avid athletes and flexible individuals to those who sit all day at work. With other practitioners not addressing this cause, she investigated the iliacus muscle, which makes up the body’s hip flexor. She discovered that its tightness is linked to pain in the lower back, hips, knees, feet, and toes.
She tried every possible tool to help her clients with their issues. Unfortunately, the results were mediocre, so she designed a tool that will help them with the problem: the Hip Hook. It took her several variations before the final device was able to apply the appropriate amount of pressure and “release the muscle’s tension the way only a professionally trained PT can,” she said.
The Hip Hook is the first tool that can relax the hard to reach iliacus muscle, which eliminates tightness at the core and in effect, reduces strain in the legs, hips, and lower back.
The Hip Hook is the first tool that can relax the hard to reach iliacus muscle, which eliminates tightness at the core and in effect, reduces strain in the legs, hips, and lower back. Share on XEducating People About the Iliacus
To spread the word about the Hip Hook and her research about the iliacus, Christine wrote Tight Hip, Twisted Core: The Key to Unresolved Pain. This book helps readers understand how tightness on the iliacus causes pain, how to release tension in this muscle for good, and how to align your body to prevent pain and tightness in the future.
Her book was a result of decades of practice. It only took her a month to write:
“All this information was waiting to pour out of me onto the paper. I found a wonderful illustrator, who was able to create images that completed the story, making the book accessible, funny, and insightful all in one.”
The book has made a significant impact. People in search of the cause of their pain have emailed Christine with their success from applying what they’ve learned from her work.
She also offers a yoga workshop made for yoga teachers and the practice’s dedicated students. It is designed to treat the most common and complex yoga-related injuries. According to Christine, people don’t realize that too much flexibility is a bad thing. She explains that it’s only after years of doing yoga or dance that injuries will arise.
“While our bodies do well with a balance of mobility and stability, going too deep in yoga does not serve us. But this is what is encouraged in most yoga classes,” she said.
The book brings her specialized knowledge to potential customers, allowing them to apply her practice in their lives and builds interest around her product, the Hip Hook.
Engaging Readers With Quality Bookmarks
Christine printed bookmarks for readers to use as they read her book, The Key to Unresolved Pain. The bookmarks came with the copies ordered on Amazon and also came with the books sold at events. PrintPlace was glad to produce these for her. She highlights two positive features from this experience:
“The quality and affordability of the product were astounding and the speed at which it arrived was perfect.”
She highlights how readers who received the bookmarks “felt like they were getting a special connection to me and a little something extra that they didn’t expect.”
She was strategic with how the bookmark promoted her work and product. It encourages the reader to leave a book review on Amazon and also purchase the Hip Hook. It serves the marketing purpose of the book, which was to educate people on the value of using the Hip Hook.
The bookmark also shows her photo, highlighting Christine as the author, which creates a point of trust and connection with the reader. This approach ensures future sales and reviews that will allow the book to grow in the coming years. PrintPlace was able to bring out these details in vivid colors and provided text that’s easy for everyone to read.
The bookmark also shows her photo, highlighting Christine as the author, which creates a point of trust and connection with the reader. Share on XTo know more about Christine’s holistic physical therapy consultation and programs, check out her website. If you’re interested in being part of a community that discussed the problem of tight hips, join her Facebook group. You can also visit her social media sites for more updates:
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Angela’s first love is food but her second love will always be the written word. She loves discovering new ways to tell stories and reads everything from YA to memoirs. Her time away from words is spent either with her three dogs or catching up on her favorite Netflix shows.