Customer spotlight: Roderick Pena, photographer
We spoke with photographer Roderick Pena weeks before we met him. His use of clean, modern business cards intrigued us, so we made him the subject of our next customer spotlight.
Wanting to get him in action for our video, Tim, our video coordinator, asked Roderick if we could follow him on a photo shoot. We needed the perfect location for a photo shoot, video shoot, and interview in one. He suggested a place without a name. It was an area local photographers know, he said. Tim and I were up for anything, so we went along with his plan.
The photo/video shoot/interview
Roderick, his assistant, and his model, met Tim and I on a rusted railroad track, between rows of abandoned factories. Because it was Sunday, it was hard to tell if the buildings were truly abandoned or just resting for two days. An eerie brick kiln stood behind one.
Roderick snapped his photos as Tim filmed him, and I took photos of the whole scene for this post. (It occurred to me, and I found it intriguing, how many layers deep I was at that point.)
A passion for photography
Aside from the trees rustling and the occasional airplane overhead, the area was quiet. Roderick, sat on some cement steps with a metal railing by a loading dock as he told us about his passion for photography. “I love working with people to create unique, engaging images that tell a little bit about who they are,” he said.
Look at just a few of his photos and you will understand what he means. They say a photo is worth a thousand words, but sometimes words can’t tell the depth of a story the way a photo can. Look at his photos in the video below. They made me feel like I saw something private inside each person’s soul that not everyone is allowed to see.
What makes his business cards special?
Roderick talked about the importance of graphic elements in his photography, and how he carries this over into his business card design.
These business cards are “the first line of contact with a client,” he told us, so they need to include more than just contact info. They need to tell his story.
He likes business cards because they are easy to order and receive. He can also customize them to his exact specifications. Sometimes he will order a particular shape or round the corners, but can change that without a problem. He also likes to order his cards uncoated because of the course texture this leaves to the touch. makes it easy for Roderick to add any of those features to business cards and lets him try new styles as he chooses.
Watch the resulting video below to see the whole story.
Writer. Marketer. Enjoying writing about printing and marketing. Other things to talk to me about at a cocktail party include travel, dance, and food. Find me on Twitter @writtenbyemilie