Ideas for Churches

Boost your church’s VBS attendance – Tipster Friday

Summer is just around the corner and that means kids will be out of school soon. Yay! School’s out! Ok, not quite yet, but as soon as it’s here, kids will be looking for things to do and parents are already making plans. Make sure those plans include Vacation Bible School at your church. You should reach out through several avenues to touch parents and children. Let parents know what their children will learn this summer, and show children how much fun they’ll have.

Our tipster, Ara, has ideas to make this happen in this week’s Tipster Friday video.

Video Transcript

Hey there!  It’s Ara for another Tipster Friday from where I give you tips you’ve probably never heard of. 

This week I’m focusing on churches again and an especially fun topic, Vacation Bible School. 

I love vacations. Once I went to Portland. A-mazing! I heard this one band there. They only play spoons. They’re German. It’s no big deal. 

Anyway, Vacation Bible School. VBS is an awesome opportunity to reach out to the kids in your community. But first you have to get them there. 

Postcards are a great way to promote VBS. Use colorful, kid-friendly designs that express the theme of your VBS.  Make sure you include the date, time, and how to register. Add a small map where the VBS will be located.Then buy a mailing list and target homes with kids in the area near your church. We can totally help with that too.  Check out the link in the description to get your list started. 

Don’t forget to let your members know too. Print flyers off and set them out in the kid zones at your church.Use the same design and print 11×17 posters to hang up as well. 

You can use print to enhance your VBS program too. Create booklet lesson guides with verses and room for notes. 

Also, memory verse bookmarks are a great take home for kids. 

That’s all for this week! 

Hey, so I’ve got a surprise for you. Fill out the form below for access to a FREE VBS postcard printable. Yep, free. Too good to be true, I know. 

See you next week!


[button size=medium style=round color=yellow align=none url=]Download VBS Template[/button]

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