Unique Promotional Calendar Ideas
The holiday season is under way and you know what that means—it’s prime calendar season!
We’ve been seeing calendar orders pick up for the last few weeks as everyone begins to prepare their awesome promotional calendar designs. This got me thinking, what else can we do to make calendars even more interesting?
A lot of calendar designs we receive tend to follow the same monthly themes each year: holidays, seasons, as well as business-related designs. We had quite a lot of interesting customer designs for sure, but I feel like we can do something more.
Then it hit me. There are plenty of promotional calendar ideas to be found if you start looking hard enough.
Anyone can create a Valentine’s Day image for February, but what if you are sick of Valentine’s Day (or single) or want something less cliché? What about President’s Day? Cherry Pie Month? Now we’re talking. Oh, and don’t forget, “Thank a Mailman Day.”
Maybe your business isn’t exactly photographic. Not everyone is lucky enough to have furry clients to create cute puppy calendars every year. Unique promotional calendar ideas that are centered around something other than business may be just the thing you need. For example, if you own a restaurant, you could use a different food theme each month based on national food holidays. If you own a spa or a gym, you could focus on a different day that involves a relaxing or exercise activity each month.
Some of these unique days and month themes are more practical and some are just downright silly, but they could all be applicable given the right design and context in your calendar. There are a lot more crazy days on the national calendar, but here are a few of my favorite crazy-but-true promotional calendar ideas for each month.
January – National Oatmeal Month
Run Up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day (1/2)
Bubble Bath Day (1/8)
Strawberry Ice Cream Day (1/15)
Beer Can Appreciation Day (1/24)
Opposite Day (1/25)
February – National Grapefruit Month
Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day (1st Sat)
Thank Your Mailman Day (2/4)
Toothache Day (2/9)
Send a Card to a Friend Day (2/7)
Cherry Pie Day (2/20)
March – Music in Our Schools Month
Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day (3/1)
If Pets Had Thumbs Day (3/3)
Multiple Personality Day (3/5)
National Pi Day (3/14)
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (3/26)
April – National Poetry Month
International Fun at Work Day (4/1)
Walk Around Things Day (4/4)
Be Kind to Lawyers Day (4/11)
Wear Pajamas to Work Day (4/16)
Hairstyle Appreciation Day (4/30)
May – National Barbecue Month
Lumpy Rug Day (5/3)
Star Wars Day (May the 4th)
Lost Sock Memorial Day (5/9)
Limerick Day (5/12)
Talk Like Yoda Day (5/21)
June – Great Outdoors Month
Leave the Office Early Day (6/2)
Donald Duck Day (6/9)
Peanut Butter Cookie Day (6/12)
Fairy Day (6/24)
Camera Day (6/29)
July – Independent Retailer Month
Compliment Your Mirror Day (7/3)
Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day (7/6)
Simplicity Day (7/12)
Pi Approximation Day (7/22)
National Cheesecake Day (7/30)
August – National Picnic Month
International Beer Day (8/4)
Middle Child’s Day (8/12)
Aviation Day (8/19)
Dog Appreciation Day (8/26)
Race Your Mouse Day (8/28)
September – Piano Month
Chocolate Milkshake Day (9/12)
Felt Hat Day (9/15)
Guacamole Day (9/16)
International Talk Like a Pirate Day (9/19)
Punctuation Day (9/24)
October – Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
International Coffee Day (10/1)
Moldy Cheese Day (10/9)
National Clean Out Your Virtual Desktop Day (10/16)
Hermit Day (10/29)
November – Real Jewelry Month
Chaos Never Dies Day (11/9)
Origami Day (11/11)
Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day (11/15)
World Hello Day (11/21)
Fibonacci day (11/23)
December – Tie Month
Eat a Red Apple Day (12/1)
World Soil Day (12/5)
International Dalek Remembrance Day (12/21)
Egg Nog Day (12/24)
Make Up Your Mind Day (12/31)
Create a design or stage a photography session incorporating some of these unique promotional calendar ideas and you’ll create something with charm that your customers will appreciate. Then use our 5 simple tips for calendar printing to create the best calendar for your business.
Ready to print your design? Head to our calendar printing page to get your custom calendars now.
Writer. Marketer. Enjoying writing about printing and marketing. Other things to talk to me about at a cocktail party include travel, dance, and food. Find me on Twitter @writtenbyemilie