What You Need to Know About EDDM®
Every Door Direct Mail® is a useful resource, but one that is often shrouded in confusion. PrintPlace.com offers EDDM® printing, so we see this confusion first-hand. I thought I’d use this blog post to explain what it is, why it doesn’t have to be complicated, and why it might be a useful resource for your company.
It’s actually a pretty cool tool that only the United States Postal Service could offer. What other company has access to every address in America and visits them 6 days a week? That is a pretty amazing feat when you think about it.
What Is EDDM®?
Alright, let’s start with the basics. The idea behind EDDM® is to cover every address in a specific area. This means you can choose a number of zip codes you want to target and send postcards for your political campaigns to every household and/or business (the and/or choice is up to you) in those areas.
The service lets you reach more addresses than a traditional direct mail campaign, while saving on postage. Postage ranges from about $.177 to $.219 per piece, which certainly adds up over thousands of pieces.
Direct Mail vs EDDM®
Just so there is no confusion, let me clarify one misconception: the difference between direct mail and EDDM®. Direct mail and EDDM® are not the same thing. Direct mail simply refers to any marketing campaign sent through the mail. Each piece must be addressed to individual households or businesses. (If you don’t have a list, direct mail services can provide a mailing list for you at a low cost.)
EDDM®, as I mentioned, is a service provided by USPS, which delivers to each address in a specified target area. No mailing list is required to utilize EDDM®.
EDDM® Sizes and Specifications
Every Door Direct Mail® postcards do require specific, nonconventional sizes, and other rules the USPS expects you to adhere to. You can review all the sizes and requirements on USPS.com. That page also lets you research information like age and income demographics, as well as pricing, of different zip codes, all while visually placing them on an interactive map.
PrintPlace.com will make the process simple for you because we have the required printing sizes already entered in our easy ordering tool when you select “Every Door Direct Mail®” from our product list. We also offer EDDM templates to help you lay out your artwork. If this is your first time using EDDM®, we will be happy to walk you through USPS requirements for designing your piece. When you are ready, we will print it and mail it to you. We can even print it the same day you place your order.
Then, all you have to do is bundle it for mailing, fill out the required USPS paperwork, and take it to the post office.
Still have questions? You can talk to one of our mailing experts at 877-405-3949, Mon-Fri: 7am-8pm CT.
Writer. Marketer. Enjoying writing about printing and marketing. Other things to talk to me about at a cocktail party include travel, dance, and food. Find me on Twitter @writtenbyemilie
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