3 Creative uses for bookmarks – Tipster Friday

Bookmarks can do a lot more than just hold your page when you put down a book. They can also promote information about you or your company and people will like. Hand out your unique bookmarks and they will catch more attention than the average flyer. Ara has clever ways to design bookmarks that you …

Brighten your HR department with these file folder ideas – Tipster Friday

It’s Tipster Friday and Ara has tips about file folders for HR departments today. If that doesn’t seem like an exciting topic, that is exactly the reason you should watch today’s video. Ara has ways to make your file folders more exciting. I have a special pen that I like to use for everything I …

Boost your church’s VBS attendance – Tipster Friday

Summer is just around the corner and that means kids will be out of school soon. Yay! School’s out! Ok, not quite yet, but as soon as it’s here, kids will be looking for things to do and parents are already making plans. Make sure those plans include Vacation Bible School at your church. You …

Increase church tithing with envelopes and these 3 easy tips – Tipster Friday

Ara is back for Tipster Friday. Today she’s tackling the topic of church tithing. Churches depend on donations from their congregation to survive. Therefore, it’s pertinent that they make it easy for members to contribute on a regular basis. Having different ways to donate is important so each person can choose the one that is …

4 marketing ideas for photographers – Tipster Friday

We have a new host for our Friday tip videos. Her name is Ara and she hosts our first episode of “Tipster Friday.” What is “Tipster Friday,” you ask? It’s avideo with tips from a hipster every Friday. We will have tips to help you with all aspects of your printing. Today’s tips include creative …

3 ways to increase alumni giving

Our subject for today’s Tipster Friday surrounds the topic of alumni giving. This is a topic important to every college and university. The key to alumni giving though, is first alumni engagement. Ara has some tips for how to increase alumni giving through engagement, as well as some little tricks to push them in the …